The coaching path is a series of activities that blend together, rather than a list of tasks to 'get done'.
The 'path' might help any coach navigate through a conversation and to provide useful frames of activity. Typically, coaching conversations refer to formal as well casual and unplanned conversations.
Let's take a look at its key guiding principles:
1. ESTABLISH conversation - introduce session, establish rapport and create coaching atmosphere;
2. IDENTIFY topic and goal - agree what you will talk about, agree the desired outcome and distinguish conversational tread;
3. SURFACE understanding or insight - enquiry, build mutual understanding, enable knowledge and values to surface, refine goals (i.e. what exactly the Client is looking at);
4. SHAPE agreement /conclusions - summarize ideas, option, find specific options if appropriate, and create a sense of future;
5. CLOSE - summaries, checks /validation and NEXT STEPS!
Our CORE Expertise
1. Strategy Mapping and Enterprise Performance Management (Key Performance Indicator, KPI) - using Balanced Scorecard (BSC) /Strategy-focused Organization (SfO) and Blue Ocean concepts.
2. Strategic Thinking Capability Enhancement
3. Building High Performance Team - using 3R, SWAT, SEAL and CASH modules developed by iiR.
...the Professional Executive Coach & NLP Master Coach are ready to help and develop YOUR TEAM!