Our CORE Expertise

1. Strategy Mapping and Enterprise Performance Management (Key Performance Indicator, KPI) - using Balanced Scorecard (BSC) /Strategy-focused Organization (SfO) and Blue Ocean concepts.

2. Strategic Thinking Capability Enhancement

3. Building High Performance Team - using 3R, SWAT, SEAL and CASH modules developed by iiR.

...the Professional Executive Coach & NLP Master Coach are ready to help and develop YOUR TEAM!

shared visioning

Vision on a personal scale translates into 'path finding' in an organizational setting.

Basically, an organization has four needs:

1. Survival - financial health;

2. Growth and Development - economic growth, consumer growth, innovation of new products and services, increasing professional and institutional competency;

3. Relationship - strong synergy, strong external networks and partnering, teamwork, trust, caring, valuing differences;

4. Integrity and Contribution - serving and lifting all stakeholders, making a difference in the world!

Helping people clearly understand and get committed to significant goals requires you to involve them in decision making. Together you determine the destination of the organization - Vision and Mission.

Then everybody in the organization will have ownership in the path that leads to the destination - the shared visioning.

image by sgeier.net